Friday, April 17, 2009

Points of view.

Recently, I came across this article about the importance of setting goals...


Aaaand...I've decided to follow the lead of comedian Demetri Martin (skip to 5:53 in the following video)... setting up my very own personal point system. Currently trying to decipher what exactly I want to include in my goals, whether on a daily, weekly, life-long basis. This should be an interesting challenge to undertake, especially when being fully committed to following what really lies at the center of it all, what the true purpose of evaluating and achieving goals really is. Imagine what kind of changes would come about in this world if we all were to take just a little bit of time to physically assess (on paper) the true achievements we desire to make every day. For one, I have no doubt that Earth would be filled with a lot more positive and focused energy. For now, I'll focus on doing my own tiny part to be ultimately integrated into the better, bigger picture.