Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fourteen Autumns and Fifteen Winters.

The definition of being "poetic" is : With rhythm and beauty; related to poetic composition; Expressed in metrical form; exhibiting the imaginative or the rhythmical quality of poetry; characterized by romantic imagery.

For me, defining something as being poetic is quite simple : Regardless of what the art or medium is, the more I experience it, the further into it I fall.

- C.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Let's all make some sense for once...

Electronic music masters, Hot Chip, have teamed up with VICE magazine on a quest to find five creative talents as part of their ‘Creating Sense5’ competition. The winners will be showcased at a one-off event curated by Hot Chip at The Arches on 4th June. The band will be inviting some favorite acts to play on the night and performing a special DJ set.

Hot Chip will join a panel seeking out creative talent from any field and the competition is open to all - musicians, designers, photographers, artists, film-makers etc.

For more info, or if you just fancy coming down to the night click here for tickets (http://www.viceland.com/creatingsense5/) **I suggest hitting up this link**

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Love is a work of art.

"If you're lucky, you find that person that will help you to fulfill your destiny." -Isaiah Zagar

Friday, April 17, 2009

Points of view.

Recently, I came across this article about the importance of setting goals...


Aaaand...I've decided to follow the lead of comedian Demetri Martin (skip to 5:53 in the following video)...

...by setting up my very own personal point system. Currently trying to decipher what exactly I want to include in my goals, whether on a daily, weekly, life-long basis. This should be an interesting challenge to undertake, especially when being fully committed to following what really lies at the center of it all, what the true purpose of evaluating and achieving goals really is. Imagine what kind of changes would come about in this world if we all were to take just a little bit of time to physically assess (on paper) the true achievements we desire to make every day. For one, I have no doubt that Earth would be filled with a lot more positive and focused energy. For now, I'll focus on doing my own tiny part to be ultimately integrated into the better, bigger picture.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Some videos are almost as good as their songs. Almost.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pony up.

Aussie Photographer, Julian Wolkenstein, introduces his series of horses in hairdos, and I've never felt quite so fulfilled.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

I sure hope you like egg salad.

Happy L'Easter.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spy vs. Spy

Here is why I like the Internet :

- The ability to promote, issue, change, teach, help, reach, search, learn, contact, create and connect with anyone or anything, that you might not be able to in the tangible world, and all at the tips of your fingers.

Here is why I do not like the Internet :

- It has given us permission to hide behind who we pretend to be, and not who we really are. Which, not only enables us, but encourages us to be cowardly.

- For putting us within arms reach with practically anyone we want, it has single-handedly broken down the art of communication. If you have something to say, why would you talk about it in some sort of a cryptic, beat-around-the-bush blog posting? Or in a passive aggressive 'status update'? What ever happened to good old-fashioned confrontation? Ewww...how dare I utter such a dirty word? Ironically, the definition of the word "internet" includes both of the terms "connection" and "communication."

- Social networking. Well, I have a kind of love and hate relationship with it; let me explain. Although I am a member of most of these sites, and find them incredibly useful (and addicting), I think they may possibly be a part of a conspiracy against the natural state of humility in all of us. I have come to believe that sites like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. have contributed to an overwhelming escalation of narcissism of the people on our planet. With seemingly harmless questions like, "What are you up to?", "What's on your mind?", or quizzes on your top five favorite romantic-comedies (I mean, what Susan Sarandon film don't you like?), aren't we becoming a little too self-indulgent with our time? Not only do we answer these questions to distract ourselves from the boredom we're facing in the external world, we answer them because we truly believe that someone wants to know these things. I mean, why wouldn't they, right? We're oh-so interesting. I, for one, am incredibly relieved to know that you're Really sick of sitting in traffic or that Holy crap, this is the best piece of cheese you've ever eaten! And, do PLEASE post the latest pictures of your cat, Elmo, drinking from the toilet again. Oh, that Elmo...always up to something. !Newsflash! I don't give a shit. And you shouldn't care about what book I'm reading or what cereal I'm eating or what blog I'm posting. You know why? Because it's only feeding the ego that's already inflated from the 10 "UR SO HOT" comments I've received on some half-naked picture I took with my outstretched left arm. Don't get me wrong, I completely succumb to it, myself, which means I do deserve the "hypocrite" sign that's hung outside my door. I'm not here to judge, I just wonder if we should stop thinking so much about ourselves, and start spending time updating things that really matter? Like life? Like the world? But, I'll get to those things later, once I finish posting this on my Facebook.

Monday, April 6, 2009

QATSI /// Cinema.

The Trilogy.
1. Look.
2. Listen.
3. Learn.

Almost, makes you want to fall in love. Almost.

I just returned to Los Angeles from a wonderful week-long adventure to D.C., where the time of year couldn't be better.